arte in miniatura

Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle

Interessante commistione di arte e cibo per questa coppia di artisti franco-nipponica

Akiko Ida & Pierre Javelle lavorano rileggendo, in maniera insolita, situazioni di vita quotidiana, popolandole di vita e ridandole significati differenti.

Le immagini in macro ci restituiscono mondi sconosciuti visti con uno sguardo ironico e divertito e ci mostrano come, dietro l’apparenza, si nasconda un mondo segreto.

Un pensiero su “arte in miniatura

  1. Our company makes every kind of architechural maquettes,industrial maquettes,topographic maquettes,archaelogical maquettes, transportational maquettes and landed property maquettes.
    Besides producing maquettes we are encouraging the manifacturars to outstare model maquettes.
    Our projects are international.If you want to share our experience we can produce your maquettes.Fast,quality and cheaply by making advanced technology and materials.We can provide you to get all of your maquettes or some parts of your maquettes with the talented quality,carefull working.
    If you are thinking of taking this kind of service,we can inform you how we produce.
    Best regards
    Mustafa BULUT

    "Mi piace"

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